¡Hola! ¡En la aventura!

"¿Cómo estás?" or "hello how are you?" This blog is going to be in english (but you can translate it on the left site of the screen) because this is as much spanish as I spoke when I arrived in Costa Rica.

Hi, my name is Vincent and this is partly diary for my journey, called life, and partly it`s supposed to be a source of information for all sorts of topics.

It has been seven weeks since me and my girlfriend arrived on the "rich coast", which is the translation for the name of this beautiful country, we hope to call home for the rest of our lifes. We were both born and raised in Germany with no roots in Costa Rica, what so ever.

incomparable sunsets

But why Costa Rica then?

I can only answer for myself. Potentially my partner will give some of her thoughts on this blog in the future aswell, but of rightnow, you are stuck with me solely ;) For me, it is manly adventure. I got the oppurtunity to go and I took it. I would have never forgave myself for not taking it. Secondly the possibilities that I have here. We life on a big "finca", that is what property is called here. I can act out my interests in animals, plants and handiwork. Also, the weather was a big factor. Back in Germany basically four to five months of the year you spend wishing to be inside, because it is so freezing. In Costa Rica, I am outside the majoraty of the day, to be deducted the heavy rainfalls, but I am shure, that there is going to be a full post regarding the weather situation in the future.

It is only possible, that we can make this step because my girlfriends parents migrated to Costa Rica not so long ago. Meaning, the finca is still in development, so that I can work kinda as a volunteer for board and lodging.

I hope to take you with us on our journey, if you decide to stick around, or hope to help you with my experiences, if you are just here to learn a thing or two.

So in the spirit of the beginning of this post:

¡Adiós! Hasta luego.


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