The travel #1: The plan

 Welcome back, visitor :)

This will be the first real post on this blog in the form of a series I really creativly called


I want to detail step by step how the heck we ended up in the jungle on the other side of the world, starting in Germany. A big step down, right?

At least that is, what most people we talk to about our plans thought.

            "What if you get sick?"


            "How do we even stay in touch, when you don`t have internet?"


            "Don`t go out at night!"

For us, this country definitly is no step down by any means. To answer these typical questions: We have medical support here aswell. The idea, that you just die, or something, when you get sick once you leave the EU is kinda stupborn. In most places health care is even better than in Germany. The reason for this probably is, that Costa Rica has different emphases. They dont have a military and use the spare money created by this fact to one up their sholastic and medical system (amongst other things).

One amazing fact is the Costa Rica Military has been gone for nearly 70 years, since 1948. They have existed in peace despite civil wars and other conflicts experienced by most of its neighbors. Costa Rica’s army ceased to exist when disbanded Dec. 1, 1948, by President Figueres Ferrer after he called together armed forces and won its civil war. Costa Rica has remained peaceful. In fact the history of Costa Rica is defined by these levels of peace, even in their fight for independence.

It is right, that internet, especially a fast one is a difficult thing to get here. A lot of roads are not even tarred. Do not even think about cable connection! At least where we live. Which is in the mountains, roughly a four hour drive away from San José, our capital. But in the time of wireless data transfer, a cable in the ground is not a big problem. Many people use satellite-internet. The downside being the price, because it`s not cheap. But with a lot of programs under way to better the situation, like "Starlink" the situation will become better every year for shure. And cellular network is even better than where my parents live in Germany. Even though, as I wrote, we life somewhere in the mountains with very tiny population density. In conclusion: If you are dependend on more than 15Mbit/s connection you should wait a few years.

On a lot of lists, Costa Rica ranks really bad in terms of criminalilty. I have not lived long enough here (only seven weeks) to be a good reference, but I have spoken to multiple people living here for years. The overall picture seems to be, that it is pretty save here compared to the other countries in latin-america, but theft is a HUGE problem! So as long as you be careful to always properly lock your door and keep your belongings close to you, you should be fine. I will post an update, when I lived long enough here to have a better opinion.

A lot of concerns about the situation are just illusion and prejusdice. That is what I learned. YES, it is different here. YES, you can see, that Costa Rica is not as wealthy as european countries. BUT there is no need to not visit Costa Rica because of the reasons. With an open mind one should really fast realize, that it is by no means worse, only because there is not much money or high-tech technology around. This beautiful country has a lot of other things to offer, which we appreciate so, so much. Like the tico-mentality or nature. I will touch on those in the future for shure.

Thank you really much for reading. If you enjoyed please feel free to share. It would help us a lot.

Up until next time :)


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