The Travel #2: Preparation 1/2

My flight to Costa Rica in June of 2021 was the first long-haul flight I have ever made. All the more important to make a good plan. I had a really difficult time planning the trip and found it hard to get all the information I needed. So I will try to give a simple overview over what has to be fought of when going to Costa Rica. Also, everthing was under the special condition of covid-protocols.

1 - The flight

First step for us was to look up a flight. I can`t really comment on this issue, because you may come from a different place than me.
In generell there are multiple companies flying to Costa Rica regularly. For example Airfrance, Lufthansa, KLM, Edelweiss Air or Iberia. We travelled with AIRFRANCE, and were really satisfied. Direct flights go from PARIS.
LUFTHANSA flies from FRANKFURT direct,
KLM is something for the dutchman from AMSTERDAM,
IBERIA lets you travel from MADRID.

As of the date of this post, the cheapest option is around 220€ (260$) per person without luggage.

2 - Travel-insurance

To be allowed to enter the country you need to show, that you purchased a travel-insurance. It has to cover at least 50,000$ medical expenses and 2,000$ expenses if quarantine is needed. The insurance company has to hand you a paper that states, that all the requierments are met in english and spanish.

We went with the insurance-company "ProTrip-World" from Dr.Walter. It was super easy to complete it since everthing is online. We payed about 150$ per person for three month. That is with all the extra insurances. At the end of your order you can add in the small box for notes, that you need the extra Costa Rica formular. They will send everything to your mail-adress shortly after. Add the time of our trip, this company was the only one with the coverage of the quarantine-expenses.

3 - Pase de salud

Every visitor has to complete the health-form "Pase de salud". You can fill it 48 hours prior to your arrival. It includes a buch of information about you, your flight, and accomodation and after completing it you will recieve a QR-quote, that you need to take with you, either on your phone or on paper. Not only at the airport in Costa Rica, but also at your departure.
When you are in Costa Rica and something is wrong with the quote, don not panic. Staff is super helpful and the issue will be solved quickly.

4 - Luggage

When packing be careful what you are allowed to bring. Apart from the usual objects you are not allowed to bring in the plane Costa Rica has some special laws, which there are:
    - max 10,000$ in cash
    - 500g tobacco / 400 cigarettes
    - 3L of alcohol
    - NO meat, vegetables or milk-products
    - NO seeds or living plants

5 - electronic databases

Some countries have the option to save their information in an electronic database. This is in case of an emergency your country is able to locate you and potentially bring you back home, if necessary. Or get in contact with someone at your home country.

In Germany it would be the so called "elefand".

I hope this information will help you towards a less stressfull experience when travelling to  Costa Rica.


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